Weekly Update

Here's What You Need to Know

All you need for this week is right here. Find this page on the web or through the QR code at church. We also recommend that you bookmark this page. This is the most up-to-date form of communication we have. Let's get you connected with the things you need. 

Vacation Bible School

Interested in serving at VBS this year on June 2nd-6th? There are opportunities to serve in a classroom, with crafts, outside for games, and leading songs up front. Submit the form below to let us know you're in!

Membership Class

Are you interested in connecting more deeply with your FCC family? Join us for our next Membership Class on Saturday, March 8, from 9:00 -11:30 AM, in the church sanctuary.

Men's Deep Sea Fishing

Men's Ministry is hosting an afternoon of Deep Sea Fishing on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Hubbard's Marina, John's Pass in Madeira Beach.  The charter boat departs at 1:00 pm and returns at 6:00 pm.  FCC is underwriting a portion of the cost -  adult tickets are $50.00 and kids under 12 are $40.00.  The price includes rods, reels, bait and gratuities.  Bring your own snack food or food is available for purchase on the boat.  For questions, contact Casey Chandler at chchandler@tampabay.rr.com or Bill Osburn at bosburn2@verizon.net.

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